Google PR 5Trustworthiness Excellent
Avg. Daily Visitors N/AChild Safety Unknown
Avg. Daily Pageviews N/APrivacy Excellent
OpenStreetMap Globe
Domain info
Location: | Germany |
Registrant: | Alexander Zipf |
Hosted by: | Universitaet Heidelberg |
Registrar: | Public Interest Registry |
Subnetworks: | |
Social Media Activities
- Facebook likes: -
- Twitter mentions: 7
- Google pluses: 3
- LinkedIn mentions: 1
- Pinterest pins: -
- StumbleUpon views: 1
Web Safety
- This website is malware-free.
- Status ok
Sites associated with the same registrant
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OpenStreetMap Globe
Virtual Globe based on OpenStreetMap data. Find Addresses, Points of Interest, get Directions within Europe
OpenStreetMap Globe Webstart en
With XNavigator you can explore the virtual 3D model of the World.
The software contains many features that were developed within the project GDI-3D.de.
XNavigator downloads all 3D data for land...