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Expressive Arts Therapy | Appalachian State University
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Expressive Arts Therapy | Appalachian State University
What is Expressive Arts Therapy?
Expressive Arts Therapy is the practice of using imagery, storytelling, dance, music, drama, poetry, movement, dreamwork, and visual arts together, in an integrated wa...
Program | Expressive Arts Therapy | Reich College of Education | Appalachian State University
We offer a concentration in Expressive Arts Therapy within the Masters of Clinical Mental Health Counseling program, and a Graduate Certificate in Expressive Arts Therapy for those have comple...
Application Process | Expressive Arts Therapy | Reich College of Education | Appalachian State University
What is expressive arts therapy?
Expressive arts therapy (also referred to as intermodal expressive therapy, creative arts therapy, or interdisciplinary arts therapy) is the practice of using imagery,...